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Erin Sylvia Simpson

Creative Professional with Dual Expertise

Architecture & Metaphysics

Certificated Vastu Consultant

Metaphysical Certifications in Divination and Reiki

Washington State Department of Licensing (Architect 12122)
Not licensed as a State of Washington architecture business.
California Architects Board (Architect 22740)
Not currently practicing architecture.
Collaborative Designer

Eight Cosmic Goddess Superpowers

The Goddess of the Vastu grid has Eight cosmic superpowers that may be activated and cultivated in everyone of us, female and male. (see my blog post A Grid and a Goddess) How? Chromosome theory tells us that everyone has at least one x chromosome; double-x in females, coupled with a y in males, and special variations that, for whatever divine reason, always include an x chromosome, which represents a feminine genotype. To receive eight cosmic blessings from a loving, Mother Goddess like Ashta Laxmi, of the Hindu belief system, regardless of our personal family relations or religious affiliations, we all have that spark of divine feminine within us. It's built in. All we need to do, to receive and give those blessings, is recognize, cultivate and activate our very own cosmic Goddess superpowers.

In her short course “Enhancing Home Energies with Vaastu and Numerology”, Metaphysical Counselor, Vedic Holistic Healer, Usui Reiki Master, author and creatrix of metaphysical and Vastu courses, Rev. Dr. Gauri M. Relan, describes how the Divine Mother's energies (Ashta Lakshmi) may manifest in the home:

The very name of Lakshmi "Lakshya + ami" means focus + mine, which signifies the focus is sure short route to opulence, success and abundance in all sectors of life.

By using our focus, we invite energies of opulence, success and abundance to move around our dwelling place. We can plan and arrange our home to enhance these energies. The energies begin anew, each day, at the place of the sunrise; the beginning of each and every day. According to Dr. Relan, the northeastern Vastu grid space may be seen, metaphorically, as the place where the Goddess arrives as a newborn infant. (See my blog post A Grid and a Goddess) If we imagine traveling sunwise (clockwise) around to all the eight outer squares of our Vastu grid, the Goddess emanates energies of growing up to successively become a sister, young lady, wife, mother and, finally, a wise woman and elder of the family before being reborn in the northeast grid square again, the next morning.
Vastu Grid and Star of Laxmi
So what are these eight superpowers and how may they be cultivated in a Vastu compliant home or building?

The first step is to recognize omnipresent earth powers of the rising sun and the closest magnetic pole. Are you in the southern or northern hemisphere? For homes and buildings in the northern hemisphere, the northeast Vastu grid is primary in power. In the southern hemisphere, it may be a different grid. Find a room you can visit a couple of times a day (but not a toilet room) somewhere within this most powerful grid, as it occurs in your home or office or, if you have a private office or cubicle, imagine a mini nine-square Vastu grid in your personal work space and find the northeast corner.

After you've chosen your room, or your private office or cubicle, go to it and look to the east from inside your space; the east being a global place of sunrise where each day announces itself to the world. Is there a wall to the east? A counter-top or a place to put a table? Maybe, if you're very lucky there's a window there, with a naturally inspiring view, or a view that you could easily improve with little work? The inspiration you receive, as you look to the east from within your chosen space after completing the steps of this exercise, will be your daily reminder of your own eight superpowers.

Next, find a personally inspiring image or picture that will become your reminder of your Goddess superpowers.

It doesn't have to be a Goddess image, although statues and downloadable pictures of Ashta Lakshmi in all Her eight manifestations are abundant, widely-shared and easy to find in stores and as downloadable graphics. If ancient or Hindu mythology inspires you, a Goddess image may be perfect. If not, you may prefer a different style of religious inspiration. If you're agnostic, atheist, or work in an office that discourages religious icons, think of something awe-inspiring and beautiful, like a picture of a sunrise, a garden or a row of palm trees leading to a lovely beach. Maybe a calendar with fantastic pictures that change each month or a well-tended potted plant. Anything you love and find powerful, as long as it is acceptable in your space, is fine. Including that iconic eastern window view.

Now that you've discovered the best inspirational item for you, your family or workplace, go back to that powerful grid in your home or office and find your chosen room, or the northeast corner of your small office or cubicle. Once again, look east for a wall to hang your picture or calendar, or a countertop at the east wall or a space where you can put a small table at the east wall to display your mythological statue or inspirational item. The idea is that the image or statue would face west, and you would see it as you look toward that east wall when you're in the room, which is located somewhere within that powerful northeast grid square. If you already have an eastern window view, you are easily blessed, with absolutely no extra expense!

Last, read through the descriptions below for each superpower, and remember a time when you felt you had that superpower.

What was the situation? How did it feel? If you don't remember a time when you had a particular superpower, imagine it. When would you have liked to use that superpower? How would it have felt? Consider the concept that you have always had that superpower and that its usefulness will increase as you cultivate it. Don't try to memorize the list. Allow the understanding of each superpower to sink deep into your subconscious mind once. Wait at least a day if feel like you want to read the list again. Have a good night's sleep and then notice how much your subconscious mind has already learned with absolutely no extra effort on your part. Remember to look at your inspirational item once or twice every day, in your room within that northeast Vastu grid, ideally in the morning and evening.

The Eight Goddess Superpowers

All Sources of Wealth; the Power of Starting Anew

This is the power of the beginning point of everything; the morning sunrise. Not merely a psychological observation, it is a real, new beginning for all life on this planet, starting with the warming of the earth each day. The photosynthesis of plants relies on sunlight to change the global botanical respiration cycle from breathing oxygen in to breathing it out; a fact which is no small matter. The oxygen cycle, needed for life as we know it on this planet, starts anew with each sunrise. Edible plants, which rely on photosynthesis, are the primary food source for our planet and the medicinal benefits of plants are well known. All plant-derived, botanical blessings rely on photosynthesis and our sun. The best new ideas often, synchronistically, arise in the Vastu power grid you found in the exercise above.

Abundant Wealth; The Power to Live a Prosperous Life

We have the power of receiving all forms of wealth abundantly. In addition to money, possessions and investments, there are many other forms of wealth. According to the creatrix of Ashta Lakshmi Reiki, Dr. Chandra (also known as Saraswathi), the various forms of wealth include, in addition to money and financial wealth of material possessions: Nature, Love, Peace, Health, Prosperity, Luck, Virtues, Family, Food, Land, Water, Will Power, Intellect, Character, etc. In the abundance of our earth's resources, in the abundance of our communities, our friendships, our families, our careers, our hobbies, our studies, our relationships, ourselves and in our homes, we have practically unlimited power to enjoy prosperity in all forms of wealth we can imagine and attain.

Health; the Power of Nutrition

We have the power of making healthy choices, of influencing a global focus by eating plant-based, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains like brown rice, oats and corn. When we choose to prepare healthy foods to eat, our bodies convert this nutrition into prana, a Sanskrit word for “life force” or “vital energy”; a term used in yoga and Ayurveda for the universal energy that flows in and around our bodies, supporting our life and activities. The earth's botanical resources are abundant and, according to the United Nations website (accessed Oct 4, 2024), plants are a better choice for our planet in terms of greenhouse gas intensities, carbon footprint, and the usage of energy, land and water. We have the power to choose natural, organic foods, and it's powerful to make our choices wisely.

Children; the Power of Family and Descendants

Generating life in the form of biological progeny is a creative power we share with creatures all over the earth. In addition to daughters and sons, we have the power to create blended families with step-children, adopted children and foster children. We have the power to support children of friends and family and to adopt companion pets from shelters, taking on similarly parental style responsibilities like protecting, feeding and caring. Teaching and creative arts are powers that can influence future generations. When I self published my book about the Roman Goddess Fortuna, I was reminded of the words of the Roman poet, Ovid: As long as poetry speaks truth on earth, That immortality is mine to wear. For more about Fortuna, buy my book p.s. Fortuna; Praises and Supplications For the Goddess.

Success: The power to overcome obstacles

We have the power to overcome limitations and negativity that create obstacles to success, and to choose from numerous ways to do this. As soon as we are aware of a problem, we may take measures to protect ourselves by creating boundaries, by designing homes and constructing buildings that shelter us and encourage the flow of beneficial energy within and around our created spaces to enhance the well-being and emotional balance of ourselves as the occupants. We have the power to educate ourselves and choose healthy nutrition and physical exercise to open the way for our minds and our bodies to overcome illness or injury. We may choose to focus on inspirational images and ideas, to allow our thoughts and desires to rise above negativity. We have the power to achieve success.

Strength; the Power of Patience

We have the power of physical courage, the power of mental courage and the power of patience. It takes courage, patience and inner strength to get past the confusion of learning a new skill, especially if, at first, it looked easier than it turned out to be. It takes courage to get past doubts about an unknown outcome, perhaps much further in the future than we had hoped. We can grow strong with resolve to continue practicing, even when we don't feel like it. With the kind of patience that keeps working on whatever needs to be accomplished to achieve what we want, anything is possible. Our powers include patience, despite slow and minor improvement, to strengthen our inner stability and determination to continue until a level of ability we can take pride in is finally reached.

Talent; the Power of Education and Knowledge

We have the power to study, the power to learn in good faith and the power to receive the kinds of good luck and talent that come from both our efforts and the equally important efforts of our teachers and mentors. Dr. Chandra, in her teachings, mentions 18 powers that are believed to lead to immortality, all of which are derived from the grace of education. These powers include: serenity, regularity, absence of vanity, sincerity, simplicity, veracity, equanimity, fixity, non-irritability, adaptability, humility, tenacity, integrity, nobility, magnanimity, charity, generosity and purity. Educational study gives us the power to overcome negativity so effectively, that it can seem as magical as simply having good luck. With education, we have the power of both good luck and talent on our side.

Career; the Power of Infinite Abundance

Although spiders make beautiful webs, fish swim gracefully through water and birds fly far above us in the sky, we have the power to do all these things and more. When we design and build structures like homes, watercraft, aircraft and spacecraft, our craft-work is neither limited nor predestined by our species. We have the power to choose and work at a career that aligns with our energies; a career that attracts like-minded people who are more than willing to pay us very well for our work, and we have the power earn so much money from our careers, and to invest our money so wisely, that we also have additional powers of giving and receiving many, many blessings of opulence, grace, peace, and all sorts of abundance to and from each other.

These are the 8 cosmic Goddess superpowers. These superpowers are within all of us. They are within me, within you, within friends and within competitors equally. Cultivating and activating these powers is an important step in Vastu living; a step that doesn't require an extensive home renovation. It starts with recognizing the power of the Vastu grid to help us find the best, most powerful place in our home, office or office cubicle to place an inspirational reminder to activate our very own cosmic Goddess superpowers. Our ability and willingness to understand and apply the wisdom of the Vastu grid appropriately will help us cultivate our superpowers within ourselves, and enhance the beneficial energies we emanate to and from each other in our homes, schools, businesses and workplaces.

For a Reiki version of a Vastu Clearing, please visit my Metaphysics for Architecture webpage.

This article may be updated from time to time.

A Grid and a Goddess

Graphic Sketch based on Ashta Lakshmi Symbol
The ancient Indian architectural practice of Vastu, a philosophical design system connected to the idea of prosperity, abundance, and well-being, is something like Ayurveda or Yoga for architectural, interior and site design. Vastu design divides a home, building or site blueprint into nine square grids, three per side, aligned along the east-west solar and north-south magnetic compass points. Then the home, building and site are designed, according to ancient Vastu principles inspired by natural forces of magnetism and circadian rhythm, to enhance well-being and bring good fortune to our living spaces, according to eight compass directions. For more on this topic, see my post The Compass Directions in Vastu.

The center grid square is left as open space, providing a spiritual balance and connection with creative power within our natural world and the universe. This central area often functions as a connecting hallway between rooms in contemporary Vastu home design. The outer eight grids of a Vastu diagram are spaces to design the rooms to be drawn for the blueprint. Each of these outer eight grid squares align with one of eight compass points and would, traditionally, be subdivided into either four or six square or rectangular pieces, with the result being that 45 different Hindu devas would each have an influence over one specific subdivided space of the grid diagram to guide the home's design. For more on this topic, see my post Vastu Purusha Architectural-Metaphysics.

Vastu Grid with Compass Directions

The names and attributes of these 45 devas go far beyond the Mother-Sister-Brother Hindu triad of Laxmi, Sarasvati and Ganesh or the divine feminine and masculine lovers Shakti and Shiva; well known to devotees of Yoga and Ayurveda. According to the Indian Institute of Astrology & Gemology (IIAG) website (accessed October 1, 2024), the names of the devas are: Shikhi, Parjanya, Jayant, Kulishayudh (Indra), Surya, Satya, Bhrish, Nabha, Anil, Pusha, Vitha, Grihakshat, Yama, Gandharva, Bhringraj, Mrig, Pitragan, Dauwarik, Sugriva, Pushpadanta, Varun, Asur, Shosh, Papayakshma, Rog, Nag, Mukhya, Bhallat, Soma, Sarpa, Aditi, Diti, Aap, Aapvatsa, Savita, Savitra, Indra, Jai, Rudra, Rajayakshma, Aryama, Vivasvan, Mitra, Prithvidhar, Brahma.

As an American architect with an interest in Vastu, I was pretty happy to find out that there is a simpler divine connection than 45 devas virtually unknown to the western world. While researching for my book about Fortuna, an ancient Roman Goddess of good fortune, the Hindu Goddess Laxmi (pronounced LUCKS-me) often came up as a modern-day corresponding Goddess of good fortune who is very definitely honored and worshiped in the present day. Like Fortuna, a Goddess who represented many aspects of luck to the peoples of the ancient Roman Empire, the Goddess Laxmi expresses different facets of luck for devotees of today's Hindu religion. Both Goddesses were and are blessed with descriptive names clarifying the type of blessings the Goddess was and is believed to bestow.

In ancient Roman inscriptions to the Goddess Fortuna we see, for example, Fortuna Bona as the Goddess in Her aspect of generic good fortune and Fortuna Salutaris as the Goddess who brings good health to those of us who are fortunate in receiving Her blessings. For more about Fortuna, buy my book p.s. Fortuna; Praises and Supplications For the Goddess. Ancient Sanskrit Aṣṭalakṣmī, translated as "Octet of Lakshmi", describes Ashta Laxmi, a multi-faceted Goddess of good fortune who represents a balance of material and spiritual well-being. Each of Ashta Laxmi's eight facets are described with a different name; for example, Vidhya Laxmi as the goddess of knowledge and learning, representing intellectual wealth and Adhi Laxmi as the goddess of prosperity and success.

Star of Laxmi

These eight facets of cosmic Goddess superpowers, according to the creatrix of Ashta Lakshmi Reiki, Dr. Chandra (also known as Saraswathi), are: all sources of wealth, career, abundant wealth, health, children, success, talent and strength. Like an eight-sided gemstone of divine feminine luck-bestowing power, Laxmi's eight aspects may be conveniently described in the contemporary Star of Laxmi, a geometric figure appearing as an eight-pointed star, ingeniously ascribed to the Goddess Laxmi by the powerful 20th century film industry. The eight-pointed Star of Laxmi, if aligned along the north-south pole, points toward four major compass points (North, East, South, West) as well as midpoints in between them (NorthEast, SouthEast, SouthWest, NorthWest).

Star of Laxmi with Compass Points

Some interpretations of Vastu associate the eight facets of Ashta Laxmi, and eight beneficial energies of overall luck, money, health, career, family, confidence, success and knowledge, with the outer eight squares of the Vastu grid diagram. Focusing on a single, inspirational source for these eight energies brings them to our conscious awareness, inviting the energies to flow to and through the Vastu grid squares for our home, with the connections between specific energies and grid squares being open to interpretation. If we imagine a Star of Laxmi in the middle of a home or building's architectural blueprint, we may perceive, on a purely geometric level, how eight beneficial energies may extend into and enhance our living and working environments, if we so choose.

Star of Laxmi superimposed on Vastu Grid

Although these energies may be represented by a Hindu Goddess octet, they may also be represented by angels (angel of knowledge, angel of success, etc), or secular inspirations like placing a well-tended potted plant or a lovely vase with regularly changed out flowers on a table, or hanging a beautiful picture of a handsomely framed landscape on a wall. The choice of how to express inspiration is personal. When placed in the home according to Vastu principles, a focus of inspiration represents Vastu living. The enhancement of prosperity, abundance and well-being through environmentally harmonious design is an art and essence of Vastu architecture.

For a Reiki version of a Vastu Clearing, please visit my Metaphysics for Architecture webpage.

This article may be updated from time to time.

The Geography of Vastu

Graphic Sketch based on Ashta Lakshmi Symbol

When we look to India for wisdom, we find it easily. With millennia of history, and knowledge systems from Yoga to Ayurveda, it's tempting to rush into a Vastu home design scheme, apply it exactly as it was envisioned in ancient India and ask a Vastu guru for all the answers. If traditional Indian exercise and nutrition keep us healthy, wouldn't a Vastu home do the same? Well, yes and no.

A quick look online will tell us much about India's size, geography and climate. Located between 8° and 37° north of the equator, India is a fairly large country, with a latitudinal range similar to that of Mexico plus the northern countries of South America. India's northern latitudes are on par with Egypt, one of the hottest countries on earth. Vastu, in practice, responds to India's pleasantly warm to dangerously hot climate.

If you live, or want to live, in a similarly warm-to-hot climate, asking your guru for Vastu advice may make a lot of sense. But what if you want to design a home in England, Ireland or northeastern United States? What if you're in the southern hemisphere? Does that traditional Vastu guru have all the answers? Well, again, yes and no. In most habitable places on earth, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The eastern and western components of Vastu may most easily be translated globally for practically any location. So far so good.

As people in the southern hemisphere are aware, the further south you travel, the closer you get to the south pole and colder it gets. It's the exact opposite to the northern hemisphere, home of the north pole. Swapping north and south Vastu correspondences for buildings in the southern hemisphere may be necessary. Similarly, the further the home site is from the equator, the more the weather conditions change. In place of dangers from summer heat exposure, the most vital concerns become wintery cold weather. May we replace the beautiful, open courtyard of Vastu with a central heating system?

When interpreting ancient systems, we now have a dilemma. Is Vastu, when reinterpreted for a non-Indian climate still Vastu? Will our traditional Vastu guru understand and agree with the new interpretation? That's a bit of a tricky question and it may depend on whether or not you're a purist.

For a Reiki version of a Vastu Clearing, please visit my Metaphysics for Architecture webpage.

This article may be updated from time to time.

Vastu and the Home Site

Graphic Sketch based on Ashta Lakshmi Symbol
There are land lots which provide the perfect location for a Vastu home, according to Vastu expert Monica Bakshi.

Universal Truth: planning for cities and towns is often organized in a grid created by streets bounding square or rectangular shaped land lots.

Fortunately, the perfect Vastu home site is square in shape, with a second choice being a rectangle with a maximum ratio of 2:1; the shape of two equal sized square sites side-by-side. Plenty of imaginative theories for why sites of other shapes aren't ideal are prevalent in the study of Vastu. However; even if your site is less than perfect, with a little ingenuity you may still be in luck. Vastu design remedies abound for these less-than-ideal sites. For example, a very long, thin site may be sectioned off into a buildable rectangular area that has a ratio of 2:1, with separate planting areas in front or behind, making it an excellent garden or tree house.

Universal Truth: the sun rises in the east, which has spiritual significance in many belief systems. In the northern hemisphere, the north side of a home or building is naturally cooler, just as the darkness of night is also associated with cooler temperatures. The rising sun may symbolically be seen as warming the coolness of the north direction through the eastern sky.

Although the ideal Vastu home site is a square or 2:1 rectangle with perfect 90° angles, if the North-East corner of the site extends out toward the North or North-East direction, perhaps as an acute angle of a quadrilateral, this is the only exception which may be seen as auspicious for the residents.

For a Reiki version of a Vastu Clearing, please visit my Metaphysics for Architecture webpage.

This article may be updated from time to time.